
March 2017

What's New?  

Tina:  I was envious about Tania's trip to Johnston Canyon last month, so I went too!  It was icy icy icy, but because Tania had warned me, we brought our super stabby ice cleats (Kahtoola Microspikes - from MEC of course) and we walked up the trail like it was a nice summer's day.  It's sooo pretty right now - I highly recommend it if you can get out in the next few weeks before it all melts! 

Tania:  In the last few months I've gained a puppy (Jasper) and 2 birds (Jeffery & Bobby), so my house has gotten a little busier.  :)  And my daughter is learning how to drive - so maybe things are a bit more stressful too!  Looking forward to camping season...winter is done, right?

Market Update: 
Here's a fun little article from Global News - yay Calgary! Calgary hasn't been this affordable since the mid 80's.

Girl Guide Cookies:
  It's that time of year! Stay tuned for an email! (we buy, you eat)

Our Current Listings:

C4099030 - an awesome place in Marda Loop

C4104454 - great for an investor!!

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