From Tina & Tania...
Disneyland contest: Time is running out to enter! Head to our main page or simply click, and look for the purple "Win a Family Trip for Four" button in the middle of the home page. Contest is open to everyone with no strings attached - tell your friends and family!
Girl Guide Cookies: Have you signed up for your free box of cookies??
Market Stuff:
Do you ever have that nagging feeling that you’re not getting the entire truth behind a news story? Us too! We all know the media’s job is to create an exciting story to draw in viewers or sell papers. The unfortunate part is that they typically don’t use all the facts. While there is generally some truth to every story, it is imperative to gather all the facts when making a decision about what is typically the largest investment in a persons life, their home. If you have questions about the market - let us know!
Annual Home Reviews:
Many of you know that once a year, we're doing Annual Home Reviews on the property you bought. This gives you an opportunity to know what is going on not only in the Calgary market, but on a provincial and National level as well. This review will make sure you are up to date with the most current and relevant data, and how your property value may be affected, good or bad. Next time you are having coffee with your friends and they say “did you see that story on the news, can you believe what the market is doing?”, you will be able to educate them on what it is actually doing.
For the full newsletter, click here.